5 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers

By Techno Goober / February 23, 2018

Job seekers have to be very careful with how they portray themselves on social media. You may not believe it, but your social media can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for employers. Online presence, or lack thereof, can make or break your job application. Whether you believe it or not, employers check…

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5 Twitter Profiles to Visit When You’ve Had a Bad Day

By Techno Goober / February 9, 2018

Social Media is more than just a way to keep in contact with your Great Aunt Lil living in Florida. Social Media is an excellent opportunity for networking, advertising your business, saving memories, and, of course, laughing after you’ve had a bad day. Scrolling through your newsfeed on Twitter is no guarantee that you’ll find…

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Facebook Contests Get a Makeover in the New Year

By Techno Goober / January 5, 2018

In the past, your business or Facebook group may have run contests to gain popularity and have a little fun. Those contests may be a thing of the past with new Facebook Contest Guidelines. Facebook’s guidelines now prohibit a number of actions by pages including: “Share this page/post to enter” “Like this page to enter”…

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Social Media 101

By Techno Goober / September 8, 2017

Are you getting the most out of your social media accounts? Social media is the perfect place to connect with past customers and convert potential customers into sales. Not leveraging Facebook means losing out on the easiest and cheapest marketing solution available. Here are 5 things you should be doing to make the most of…

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Best Social Media Post Tools

By Techno Goober / July 14, 2017

There’s Got to be a Better Way Have you ever found yourself looking at your social media pages and thought “there’s got to be a better way?” We have. That’s why we thought it would be incredibly helpful to show off a few tools that can help take your social media marketing game to a…

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