
Keep Your Passwords Safe

There is nothing worse than when you find out your passwords weren’t as secure as you thought it was. One minute your account is secure, the next, your Facebook account has twenty new posts asking your friends to send you money in Zimbabwe.

Obviously, most people these days know when they’re being duped, but just because none of your friends click the link, doesn’t mean that you are safe from danger. When someone hacks into your account, they have access to your profile, any account connected to your Facebook, and all of your personal information.

[bctt tweet=”To protect your account, make sure that the password you are using is strong. #phishing #goobertips” username=”Techno_Goober”]

Recipe for A Strong Password

This means that the hacker may have accessed not just your Facebook, but your email, your Twitter, or other accounts using the same password.

Protect Yourself with Strong Passwords

To protect yourself from online attacks, ensure that you are using a different password for every account. This will ensure that if someone hacks into one account, they don’t gain access to other accounts or information.

To protect your account, make sure that the password you are using is strong enough to ward off any unwanted attacks.

[bctt tweet=”To protect your account, make sure that the password you are using is strong. #phishing” username=”Techno_Goober”]

The best advice for creating a password is to ensure your password is at least 8 characters long. Those 8 characters should contain at least one of each of the following:

  • Capital letters
  • Lowercase letters
  • Number
  • A unique symbol like !@#$

For more information on keeping your accounts secure, call Techno Goober. We can help secure your accounts and data if you have fallen victim to an attack. Call 302-645-7177 or contact us online to discuss keeping your account secure. The internet is a lot like Dungeons and Dragons. Keep yourself safe on your quest. 

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Entertain yourself with this enjoyable, yet informative, video on internet security and password protection: