Using Rankings

The Rankings tab on your Dashboard is where you will find the keywords you input and their current rank in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. You can add up to 50 keywords per location. If you need any help logging into your Dashboard or managing your interactions, call Techno Goober for help at (302) 645-7177 or contact us online

Quick Access: 



Viewing Rankings Tab

To begin, log into your Listings Dashboard.

Step 1: Select the location you wish to edit. (If you only have one location, you can skip this step.)

Set Location

Step 2: Select the Rankings tab on the left. 




Add New a Keyword

Step 1: Click Add New Keywords button on the top right of the screen.

Add new keywords

Step 2: Add your first keyword in the box.

add first keyword

Step 3: To add another keyword click the button Add Another Keyword

Add Another Keyword

Step 4: Type your second keyword in the box. 

add second keyword\

Step 5: Repeat up to 50 times. You can also upload a CSV file with up to 50 keywords. 

CSV keywords

Step 6: When you are finished adding keywords (manually or uploading a CSV file), click Submit. 

Submit keywords

Step 7: Ensure your keywords upload successfully. Look for the message Keywords Added Successfully and your keywords displayed in the list. 

Successful Keywords



Remove a Keyword

Step 1: To remove a keyword, locate the keyword that you want to delete. 

remove misspelled keyword

Step 2: Click the trashcan icom next to the keyword to delete it. 

trashcan icon



Review your Rankings

Step 1: Rankings for your input keywords are tracked for Google (Local and Organic), Yahoo, and Bing. These rankings are updated daily. 


Step 2: The number shows how many places down on the page your website is listed for searches with that keyword. Lower numbers = Better ranking.

For example, Techno Goober ranks #4 for Web Design in Delaware in Google Local searches. That means that we are the fourth listing for local searches using Web Design in Delaware on Google. 

rank of 4

Step 3: No Match means that the keyword does not rank in the top results for that search engine. 

No Match

Step 4: means that the keyword has not been updated by the search engine yet. 

Not Updated