9 Vital Components For A Successful Social Media Strategy

No one knows better than you that social media can be a powerful tool for getting your product or event out there to the masses. But it’s not as simple as posting a few times—you need a great strategy, too. Read on for tips to make your story-building efforts successful, whether you’re engaging with fans or showcasing your work.

Define Clear Goals

While it’s not necessary to be a social media guru, having a clear idea of what you’re trying to accomplish is a good first step. Before you commit to anything, make sure your goals are defined and known by your team. The clearer the goal, the more successful each part of your social media strategy.

Research Your Audience

Your social media strategy needs to tailor your messages to the audience you’re developing. You don’t want to spread yourself too thin and end up repeating your social media message ad nauseam. Instead, focus on what works best and continue with that angle.

Things to remember in researching your audience:

  • The audience for your social media posts is key to the success of your strategy. 
  •  In order to be effective, you must identify and research who your audience is and what they prefer when it comes to content. 
  • Researching your audience can allow you to gain more insight into society’s trends and how they are responding. You can better understand their interests and what will make them engage with your brand on social media positively rather than negatively. It might make someone leave your page altogether or unfollow you on Instagram or whatever platform you’re using for social media marketing.

Create Content

Marketers can benefit greatly from social media. It is an avenue that allows companies to connect with customers and showcase their brands in real-time. For social media success, a company must develop an effective content strategy.

Facebook statuses, tweets, and posts all take time to create and schedule in advance, so you must be prepared. But this doesn’t mean you have to turn your job into a full-time marketing service. Create content that matches the needs of your audience and your commitment to the brand. If you’re looking for a way to create great content for your social media, consider using blog posts or infographics.


Since your content is the most important aspect of your social media strategy, it’s important to create good quality content that can stand on its own. Luckily, there are many things you can do to make promoting your content more accessible. 

Marketers can benefit greatly from social media. It is an avenue that allows companies to connect with customers and showcase their brands in real-time. For social media success, a company must develop an effective content strategy.

Ways to promote your content for a successful social media:

  • Plan it out. Do your homework! Find out which sites your audience is already hanging out on and consistently use that information to your advantage.
  •  Be social. Use social media to interact with others in a fun way, not constantly about giving a sales pitch. Make it feel personal; offer advice, show off an excellent picture, or ask for feedback on the image above.
  •  Take it to the next level – If you’re interested in the content, create a lot of it and make it look great. This way, your readers will be more likely to share the article or possibly even link to it.
  •  Invest in a quality image. Before you spend any time creating more content, make sure you take the time to create great images that fit with your brand. Use common sense and think about what fits best with your brand, but don’t forget to include some promotional photos.
  •  Promote it. Promoting your content improves its popularity and, more importantly, creates brand awareness. 

There are more ways to promote your social media. What works best for you and your brand? Don’t worry about being perfect the first time—experiment and create new promotion strategies as needed. You’ll never know if they work unless you try! Building your social media presence takes time, but it also takes dedication and perseverance.

Be Responsive And Active

Social media should be about more than just posting content—you want to connect with your audience and brand in a more meaningful way. Responding to posts, listening to suggestions, and engaging in discussions will help you build brand loyalty. You never know who is watching.

Stay out of the conflict on social media as much as possible. No one wants to be caught in the middle of an argument or a debate. You don’t need to get in a fight with someone who leaves something offensive on your page. 

Instead, it would be best if you turned it into an opportunity to help educate others and promote your brand. Be the bigger person and let others see how well you can handle yourself in a situation like that. It will give customers confidence that you can take care of them if they encounter any problems with the product or service they are trying to buy from you. 

Stay Current On Technology

Not staying current on technology means that you won’t have the best products or services to offer your customers. What works now might not be a good idea in six months. Are you using the most advanced programs, taking advantage of what the newest social media platforms offer, or using the latest applications to create better content? Always keep up to date with what’s next and what’s best!

Research Strengths And Weaknesses

Keep track of how well your social media communications perform over time and compare that with metrics like brand awareness, conversions, lead generation, etc. It’s important to know your strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and how you can improve on these to create an effective social media strategy.

Monitor And Analyze Tweets

You want to make sure all the information you put out there reflects your brand’s best interests. Are people responding positively? Is there a lack of engagement? Use analytics to track the effectiveness of your efforts. You need to make sure that everything you post online is worth showing but also fun and appealing!

Identify Keywords and Hashtags

There are so many ways you can use keywords and hashtags to help build your social media strategy. Use keywords to target specific people and understand the structure of the conversation around your brand or product. Use hashtags to expand your reach and connect with a larger audience.

Learning the art of social media is vital not only for marketers but for businesses who want to advertise their products without spending exorbitant amounts on advertising online. Getting started with social media is much easier than many think, but knowing where to start can be overwhelming.


In the end, a successful social media strategy takes time, patience, and a whole lot of creativity. By studying what works for others in your industry and your strengths, you can make it happen—be sure to stay on top of it!

Author Bio

Andrea Gibbs is a Content Manager at SpringHive Web Agency, where she helps create content for their clients’ blogs and websites. She is currently a blog contributor at Brand With Care, where she writes about design, marketing, branding, and social media.